Monday, January 2, 2012

The New Year

Happy New Year!

Blatantly stolen from Laughing Ferret.... ;)

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Lots of food, drink and fun. Possibly some new toys as well.

Wow has it been that long.... I'm sorry I haven't made any updates. The second half of this past year has been rather crazy. Then the wife and I moved into a new house over the course of Thanksgiving.  So getting that ready has taken most of our time. The house is one of those fun project homes. It is a turn of the century farm house and we are looking to return it to its original form.

In October my computer also decided to blow up.  Luckily I was able to save the hard drive and updates that I had planned to put on the web. Since I have a new computer and was able to find the old files I will to post those updates shortly.  I also have the added bonus of being able to use voice recognition to dictate to the computer, so hopefully I will be able to put more regular updates on as I don't have to sit here and try and type them up any more. Ahhh...  Technology. Isn’t it great.

I have managed to get quite a bit done with the various projects I have sitting around.  I've included two more vehicles for my Quar. My friend Tom and I have played a number of games of SOA. So I’ve built some new terrain pieces for our games. The more we play and get used to the rules the better it gets. We've even started looking into the other Genesha Games sets.

I've also managed to increase my number of Flames of War figure's.  I have been working on the 3rd Canadians as well as finishing my Fallshirmjager and Heer companies.  But those will be coming up after I take some pics.

I want to thank those who have subscibed to my little corner of the web. Its nice to feel someone is interested in what I'm doing. So keep an eye out. There should be more to come.

Talk soon,

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